06734 9629720 oder 06007 938711


Seminare und Beratung für Ausbilder:innen, Ausbildungsbeauftragte und Azubis

Azubis - Sales and Telecommunication

Training „Sales and Telecommunication“ for trainees -
Confidence in customer contact

Your profit:

  • Your trainees build a positive customer relationship.
  • Your trainees lead successful sales conversation.
  • Your trainees handle difficult situations in customer care.
  • Your trainees make professional business telephone calls.

Your trainees will meet:

other trainees of various professions, who maintain immediate customer contact and want to successfully create their customer relationship.

Your trainees will learn about:

  • Who are my customers?
  • Which opportunities do I have as a trainee in customer contact?
  • Which are my customer´s ambitions? – Which are mine?
  • How to successfully create conversation with my customers?
  • What impact is given by my own personality?
  • How do I gain more confidence in customer contact?
  • How to handle objections?
  • How to successfully create inbound and outbound calls?
  • Which empty phrases should be avoided?

target group:

  • Trainees of all sectors
  • Trainees of all grade

training methods:

  • experience and member oriented training
  • comprehensible and compact imparting of knowledge
  • reflexion of personal behavior


Ihre Investition in Kosten und Zeit:


Sie wünschen eine Inhouse-Veranstaltung auf Ihren Bedarf und Ihre Ziele zugeschnitten?

Wir erstellen Ihnen gerne ein individuelles Angebot nach Ihren Wünschen.

Als Präsenz-Seminar oder als Live Online-Seminar.



« Übersicht / Seminare und Workshops für Auszubildende - Trainings in English



Ausbilder-Akademie GmbH

Telefon: 06734 96297-20
Telefon: 06007 9387-11


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